JACK FRANCIS 21 519 1/2 156 lbs, college student and summer time life guard. Has held several titles as a champion high diver, his favorite sport, you guessed it, is swimming.

HARRY ARNOLD 21, Coast Guardsman. LORIN MASER 20, 6' 172, a pre-dental student. Credits barbells exclusively with building his fine physique. He finds them ideal for his busy schedule.

The 3 photos on this page by Wm P Lochte 6206 Wagner Lane Washington 16 D. C. who offers Ten 4x5 prints of each of these athletes at $2.50 per set. (10 prints)

"DENNIS AT HIS BATH" a series of photos by Joe Robinson 1531-33 Hudson avenue. Hollywood 28, Calif. who specializes in casual natural pho-

tos. Dennis Shreefer is 19, 5'10, 5", 172#, arm 15 3/4, neck 15, 5, chest 42/ 43. 5, thigh 22, 75, calf 15, 5, ankle 8.75 wrist 6, 75. He studied. dramatics and phys-ed at teachers collete in his


own home state of Nebraska. Robinson offers a

$1 catalog of Dennis. He has many other models AMG offers 7 4x5 catalogs of Dennis for $1.